Archive for January 12th, 2011
Prevention Is The Key. Be sure to clean up any spills right away. Wash your dishes regularly and do not leave pet food out over night.-Roaches love water! It is one of the key factors of their survival. Be sure to drain water out of the sink and tub, and wipe down any tables or counters that water has spilled on. Make sure to pick up any drinks that you may have on the table or in your bedroom because of the condensation from the drink will attract the roaches. Also make sure to fix any leaky faucets or drains. Always check boxes and bags for roaches before bringing them inside.-Preventing cockroach infestations when moving is critical, especially if you are leaving an area that already has a current infestation. The last thing you want to do is bring cockroaches with you. Check all boxes that you pack for any signs of cockroaches, as well as furniture. Spraying your new home before you move in is also a good idea. After you have unpacked make sure you throw out any cardboard boxes or papers , because that is where they like to hide. Did you know for every cockroach you see there are hundreds you don’t see? Finally, you should contact a professional to deal with any cockroach infestation before it gets to worse.
Cleaning is the best method of spider prevention, so go through your home vigorously sweeping, dusting, and vacuuming. Make sure to keep clothes off of the floor, that way they have less places to hide. Do this weekly for a couple of months to destroy existing nests, not giving spiders time to rebuild and lay eggs. Make sure to seal around the widows & doors so that the spiders can not get in.
Outdoors, use a broom to knock down their webs from eaves, garage, doorways & window frames. Repeat weekly or as necessary. Keep grass and weeds that grow near the house cut low, and likewise keep shrubs near the house small and neatly maintained.
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